A Very Merry Christmas From My Family to Yours

This month, right now, it is the time to take stock in your assets – not your portfolio assets, I’m talking about all of your intangibles. January and the rest of the months will provide ample time to worry about the tangible things in your life. But now, as we near Christmas, I hope you take time to slow down and enjoy..

How To Fund College Without Saving A Dime

Taking high school seriously to secure a good GPA and investing time and effort into the ACT and SAT tests, is vastly important. Not only can it prevent a student from getting into a certain college or university, but it can also be a very costly mistake.

The BEST Investment Account That Only 9.6% of People Have

Medical items and bills can actually be something we can use as a huge tax saving. How? It is an often misunderstood and little utilized account called an HSA which stands for a Health Savings Account. A beauty of the HSA is that there is a triple tax advantage. This works because the money goes in tax-free as pretax income, this money grows tax free, and the money comes out tax free. HSAs are the only account that has pretax contributions AND tax free withdrawals, but you must have qualifying medical expenses.

How to Become a Tax-free Millionaire

Amidst the rush of preparing for the holidays, take some time to look at your finances and see where you need to make improvements.  Do this now before the new year. Start 2023 with a solid financial plan. One account you need to consider adding to your portfolio is an IRA, specifically a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA can help you become a tax-free millionaire. Want to learn how? 

Betting on the Stock Market to Fail is Betting on Yourself to Fail

Many are predicting a rough financial road ahead. And because of that, some will advise against investing in the stock market. This is a time to take pause and to really educate yourself before buying into all of the hype. Before stuffing your money under a mattress or halting investing, let’s look at things critically and get a good understanding of the stock market, so you can make informed decisions rather than those that are reactionary and emotional.

Life Insurance Is A Must

Life insurance is a Must. if you have dependents and need to insure compensation for them if you incur any kind of illness and when you die, you need to have life insurance, but what kind of insurance is the question. There are two basic types of life insurance: permanent life and term life. There are several types of insurance that fall under permanent life. Let’s Break these down…

Decreasing Stress for the Holidays and Staying on a Budget

The holidays are fast approaching.. From Halloween until New Year’s, it is a whirlwind of activities, spending, and stress. So while the holidays are supposed to be fun and a time for gathering with family and friends, people will feel undue and other self-induced levels of stress. So what can be done to help alleviate some of the stress about money and, instead, really enjoy the holidays?

The Elixir to Success: Consistency & Laziness

I am often asked about my success and what my special recipe is or the secret elixir to create success. I wish I could attribute it to something innovative or profound. But that is not the case. Truly, my success comes down to two key things: consistency and laziness. If you are ready to take control of your finances but don’t want to waste hours a month, The Budgetdog Roadmap is your key to success. My students learn to stay the course and trust the process and I even give them permission to be lazy – in a good way!